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  © 2001-2022
  OkNo Gallery
  Chelyabinsk, Russia


R e f e r e n c e   p o i n t
Julia Bezshtanko
(St. Petersburg)
Photography, sculpture, video installation
October 10-20, 2008


Julia Bezshtanko

Graduated from the Chelyabinsk Art School (1994),
State Academy of Theatre Art / Faculty of Scenography and Theatre Technologies (St. Petersburg), 2003

Participation in exhibitions:
2008 - Movement to black. Museum of nonconformism, Small hall of art-center "Pushkinskaya-10"
2007 - Catalogue of body. Contemporary art gallery "OkNo" in art space "Spider&Mouse", Moscow
2007 - 4th International festival of Mini Art, Contemporary art gallery / art-center "Pushkinskaya-10"
2007 - an exhibition of contemporary art on Pushkinskaya-10 "Holiday of House", Museum of nonconformist art, Big hall
2007 - International festival of Mini Art, gallery "Kinofot-703"
2007 - "Endorfiny", gallery "Borey", Petersburg
2007 - exhibition of young artists "Territory of creativity". Museum of nonconformist art, Petersburg
2006 - exhibition of theatrical artists in gallery "Art-Theatre", Theatre on Liteyny, Petersburg
2006 - exhibition "Magic lantern". Gallery "DiDi", Petersburg
2006 - exhibition project "Mythology of body". Dreams Museum of Zigmund Freud, Petersburg
2006 - the international exhibition project "EUROFRIEZE". Cultural center of Hungary, Moscow
2006 - II international biennale of graphic arts. Central exhibit room "Manege", Petersburg
2006 - "2/3. Apollinaire/Khlebnikov" -- the exhibition project on cities of Russia
2006 - "Phantoms of King Lear". Gallery of contemporary art "OkNo", Chelyabinsk
2006 - Mail art project "10 Small Pieces for Letter-box". Gallery of contemporary art "OkNo", Chelyabinsk
2005 - "Piter". Exhibit room of Union of artists of Russia, Chelyabinsk
2005 - "Solar island". Exhibit room of Union of artists of Russia, Chelyabinsk
2005 - regional exhibition "Young artists of Ural". Exhibit room of Union of artists of Russia, Chelyabinsk
2005 - personal exhibition "Transport phenomena". Gallery of contemporary art "OkNo", Chelyabinsk

Work of theatre set designer
2008 - "Idiot" on Dostoevsky. Educational theatre on Mokhovoy, State academy of a theatrical art, Petersburg
2005 - scenography to R.Moskova's performance "Run, foal, run!" Young people's theatre, Chelyabinsk
2005 - scenography V.Minkov's musical performance "Magic music". Glinka Academic opera and ballet theatre, Chelyabinsk
2005 - scenography to performance on W.Gibson's play "To be or to not be". Young people's theatre, Chelyabinsk
2004 - scenography M.Lado's performance "Very simple history". Young people's theatre, Chelyabinsk
2003 - suits to A.Urbanovich's performance " Bewitched prince and keeper of rainbow". Orlov Academic drama theatre, Chelyabinsk