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  © 2001-2022
  OkNo Gallery
  Chelyabinsk, Russia


Concurrent program of the 3rd Ural Industrial biennial of contemporary art
Design 1o1 Community

Objects, installation
November 5-19, 2015

Architecture 1o1 is an international educational online project, created by IdLab (Interaction Design Laboratory, Milan), Academia di Belle arti di Catania (ABADIR, Catania) and the Design 1o1 community at the Whoami web platform.

There are three parts included in the course: 1. From nothingness to place, 2. From place to space, 3. From space to architecture. During the course students undertake 101 exercises which help them to understand the concepts of place and space. In 2015 the task was an investigation of the matchbox space. It's quite limited but eloquently applied. In the second part "From place to space" works were produced in different countries and became part of anšexhibition travelling the world. Spectators are able to examine and reflect onšdifferent geographical viewpoints.

The Matchbox Space Invasion project was a part of the Concurrent Program of the 3rd Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art. The key term of the Biennial was mobilization as an ability to change and to rise to a fundamentally different level. In this project a push to research of the surrounding world, own creative facilities and limits take place via internal creative powers of the personal mobilization.

Matchbox Space Invasion is an experiment, devoted to visualization of the student's mind. Design 1o1 students created series of works during thešArchitecture 1o1 course. One of the inspirational sources was "Species of Spaces" by George Perec. Participants produced some of the 52 spaces from Perec's book by using 9 prototyping techniques: cut-out, leporello (accordion), collage, strings, peephole, objects, partitions, sand and free.

Matchboxes are displaying the begin of space creation based on ordinary spaces we may see everyday. By transforming the standard form each student develops their own visual and storytelling language to interact and communicate with the spectator.

Yana Novoslugina